Green Mountain Bible Church is a non-denomintational Christian church that has had its roots in the community of Island Pond since 1979
Our church's ultimate authority is the risen Lord, Jesus Christ, and we look only to His inspired Scriptures found in the Old and New Testaments of the Holy Bible as God's specific revelation to mankind.
Our music, teaching, and preaching are centered on God's Word.
We take seriously Christ's commandment to love one another as He has loved us. This means we meet together often for fellowship, encouragement, and accountabililty.
GMBC is governed by a Board of Elders (See Section 2 of Constitution) These Elders shall be responsible for the oversight of all matters of church life and practice, and shall see that opportunity be given for regular schedules of public worship, prayer and observation of the Christian ordinances. The Board of Elders serve as corporate officers of the Church.
Our Deacons oversee the daily administration and operations of the church.
We encourage every member to participate in the ministry of GMBC.